Steve Francia

Chief Operator: Open Source at Docker


Steve Francia has been responsible for two of the largest commercial open source projects as the current Chief Operator of the Docker project and the former Chief Developer Advocate of MongoDB, as well as running some of the top community-based open source projects: hugo, spf13-vim, cobra and viper. He loves open source and is thrilled to be able to work on it full time and then some. In writing, Steve tweets as @spf13, blogs at and has written a few books for O'Reilly. In person, he enjoys giving talks & workshops and spending time with the developer community around the world. When not coding, he is usually having fun outdoors with his wife and four children.


27 February 10h00 Central Hall

"What every successful open source project needs"

In the last few years open source has transformed the software industry. From Android to Wikipedia, open source is everywhere, but how does one succeed in it? While open source projects come in all shapes and sizes and all forms of governance, no matter what kind of project you’re a part of, there are a set of fundamentals that lead to success. I’d like to share some of the lessons I’ve learned from running two of the largest commercial open source projects, Docker and MongoDB, as well as some very successful community projects.